Making It Up (One Playwright to Another)

Photos by Cameron Ballantyne

TRAILER for Making it Up

**** (aloureviews)

“Taken as a whole, the lived experience Norm Reynolds evokes in Making it Up (One Playwright to Another) will resonate with anyone who has asked, Who am I? What am I? Is what I do worth anything?”- John Smythe

Darlene M. Day of North West End UK Review rates Making It Up 4 out of 5 stars ****.

 ".... universal appeal... something which everyone, whether they are familiar with Albee or not, could take something from."

".... a unique look at the theatre industry and the effect it can have on your life....."


“For a short piece, Making It Up has a great deal of life experience to share with its audience. Rather than safe and stagnant filming, Reynolds commands the space in Toronto’s Red Sandcastle Theatre portraying all the characters within his narrative, including Albee himself. This is cleverly designed and staged by director Lesley Ballantyne and filmographer John Bertram. There are solid transitions demonstrating the passages of time in Reynolds’s life and interesting camera techniques to help progress the story overall.”- Steel City Girl Reviews (Hamilton Fringe)

“His stories are inspiring, the glimpses of his own work are intriguing, and the chance to get to know a bit more about a major American artist like Albee make MAKING IT UP well worth your time.” View.mag

“His depiction of Albee is especially distinct; even when Reynolds is really just talking to himself, it genuinely feels like a conversation between two people. Overall, it feels like a mixture of a one-man show, a documentary, a memoir and an autobiography, combining positive aspects of each one into something unique.”

Beyond James- Review (Hamilton Fringe)

“A literate and witty presentation that makes me pay close attention to the story. Norm Reynolds remains genuinely unselfish in wanting to make a difference artistically.”- Joe Szekeres, Our Theatre Voice


Streaming on demand at The Melbourne Fringe Festival October 1-20, 2024.

Nominated for 4 2023 BroadwayWorld Awards Philadelphia. Best Play; Best New Play; Best Performance; Best Direction of a play.

Audience Choice Award- Digital Philadelphia Fringe ‘23

Best Director of the Year (Lesley Ballantyne)- Young-Howze Theatre Journal (Philadelphia)

WINNER! BEST in series (Bring Your Own Virtual Venue) Award*

*Hamilton Fringe Festival Digital Presentation 2022

A hit at The Greater Manchester, Vancouver, Watford, Wellington & Dunedin NZ Fringe Festivals.

"... sharp script... excellent performance... a very well shot and edited piece, and... a haunting memory of... Edward Albee."- Richard Ouzounian (see below for more reviews)

Some scripts take a lifetime to write….

“If anyone had told me what my future would hold, I would have thought they were making it up.”

Join writer and actor Norm Reynolds as he makes his way through appointments with destiny in the realms of academia, finance, and the theatre- including inspirational encounters with playwright Edward Albee.

Directed by Dora Mavor Moore Award-winner Lesley Ballantyne; and recorded by national festival award-winning filmmaker John Bertram.

Production Assistant & Stills Photographer: Cameron Ballantyne

Graphic Designer: Reilly Ballantyne

Featured: Our Theatre

”Tour de force!”- Anthony Edwards, Gaydio

What Not to Miss at The Vancouver Fringe- Radio Dave, Eclectic Lunch Thunderbird Radio.

“…captivating presence…”- Rachel Small, Editor

“Reynolds’s work has a certain gravity to it and in the mere span of forty minutes might cause a tidal shift somewhere deep inside you… An audience could always have been right on the other side of the camera, you could almost feel them breathing.”- Young-Howze Theatre Journal