Photo by David Roddis

Norm Reynolds is a Toronto-based playwright and actor.

Recent: the digital solo show Making It Up (One Playwright to Another) which won a “Fringie” Award at the 2023 Philadelphia Fringe Festival, the Best in Series, Bring Your Own Virtual Venue Award at the Hamilton Fringe, and played online at Manchester, Vancouver, Watford & New Zealand to rave reviews (“Tour de Force!”- Gaydio UK). Here is the one minute trailer for the show:

Put Up Your Hand was featured in the first Summerworks Fringe Festival (Toronto), and went on to professional and community/school productions, as well as a solo show incarnation performed by the author in Toronto.

Adapted Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant for the stage.

Other work: Gay Positive- short-listed for the Short & Sweet Festival (Sydney, Australia). Two-Hander- Newmarket National Ten Minute Play Festival. A hit at the first Summerworks Festival (CBC Radio, NOW Magazine), Put Up Your Hand- performed by the author in Toronto at the Red Sandcastle Theatre. The Good-bye Play- staged at the Playwrights of Spring Festival and at TheatreStarts (Aurora, Ontario); it was originally workshopped at the Humber School for Writers with Edward Albee. Reynolds has published short fiction in the United States and Canada, and book reviews in the Canadian national press. He is a thirty year member of the Playwrights Guild of Canada.