
This is my first blog post on the website. I’ve had a blog at Wordpress by the same name for a while now: A Day Like All Days, featuring observations about the writing, acting, and teaching life. I’m hoping I can encourage that blog’s readership to migrate here. It just makes sense to centralize everything on one website.

For news, here’s the photo I posted last Wednesday, six weeks and counting to the launch of my play Making It Up at the Hamilton Fringe Festival. Some scripts take a lifetime to write. Pictured is a “theatre” sequence in a play that glories in that realm, as well as sharing stories from academia and the world of finance. For a bit more about the show, go to the Hamilton Fringe ‘22 link on this site.

Pictured l to r: Norm Reynolds; filmmaker John Bertram; Director Lesley Ballantyne, at the Red Sandcastle Theatre, Toronto


Media Release Today