Obsolete Language

Hal Holbrook as Mark Twain

I have the LP of actor Hal Holbrook in his one man tour de force Mark Twain Tonight!, circa 1959 (my birth year).

In small print on the reverse of the record album is the paragraph below. Aside from content, and its gentle urging about making the purchase, its overall tone is, by modern standards, quaint, polite, and charming. I don't think I've ever used these words to describe a tweet.

"This Columbia High Fidelity recording is scientifically designed to play with the highest quality of reproduction on the phonograph of your choice, new or old. If you are the owner of a new sterephonic system, this record will play with even more brilliant true-to-life fidelity. In short, you can purchase this record with no fear of its becoming obsolete in the future."

Maybe the record is not obsolete (mine still plays). But the quoted language might be.


A Social Media Inquiry


Final Performance Today.